Directorate of Film Festivals announces winners for the 68th edition of the National Film Awards for 2020 (3.20 MB)
Call for entries for 53rd International Film FestivaI of India 2022 is open.
Hiring of professionals for 68th NFA 2020 on contract basis.
52nd International Film Festival (IFFI) concludes successfully in Goa. (6.56 MB)
Vice President Shri M Venkaiah Naidu confers 67th National Film Awards (486 KB)
Apply for 75 Creative Minds of Tomorrow :- Last Date has been Extended till 1st November,2021(Midnight) (1,038 KB)
फिल्म समारोह निदेशालय में 14.09.2021 से 28.09.2021 तक हिंदी पखवाड़े का आयोजन किया गया। (476 KB)
52nd IFFI to be held from 20th -28th November 2021 in Goa. (6.3 MB)
Directorate of Film Festivals announces winners for the 67th edition of the National Film Awards for 2019. (106 KB)
Indian Panorama official Selection for 51st IFFI is Announced. (292 KB)
Siri Fort Bookings are opened subject to SOP and guidelines issued by the Govt. of India. (318 KB)
Amending Recruitment Rules For Stenographer Grade D (726 KB)
Corrigendum Regarding The Financial bid for the tender of AMC of Websites (344 KB)
Regulations of Indian Panorama,2020 (290 KB)
Regulations 0f 51st International Film Festival of India,2020(Hybrid Film Festival) (373 KB)
66th National Film Awards, 2018 Announcced (1365 KB)
ASEAN-India Film Festival (876 KB)
November 2017 Activities (422 KB)
December 2017 Activities (461 KB)
October 2017 Activities (386 KB)
September 2017 Activities (278 KB)
August 2017 Activities (847 KB)